Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fall Speech Contest at Cedar Hill Toastmasters

Last night was the Fall speech competition at Cedar Hill Toastmasters. Although, the attendance was low, we still managed to conduct the club contest featuring the Table Topics and Humorous speech. 

Paul was the Contest Master and ensured that the contest rules were announced and he moved the contest along. Paula was the Chief Judge. 

We had three contestants in the Table Topics category - Kevin, Eliot and Lyn. Each of them was given 2 minutes +/- 30 seconds to answer a question " If you were given one wish that would make a big difference. What would that be?" Lyn emerged as a winner of the Table Topics competition. 

Humorous speech contest featured one contestant - Kevin who presented a speech, an imaginary tale of King Arthur intertwined with some humor. Kevin was unanimously declared as a winner of the humorous contest. 

Congratulations to all participants. Lyn and Kevin will represent Cedar Hill Toastmasters at the Area 24 speech competition on Monday, October 12. Good luck to Lyn and Kevin. 

Also, Area 23 Director was in attendance as he was conducting the club visit and he helped cover one of the contest roles. 

Respectfully submitted by
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters

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