Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cedar Hill TM members "Walk the Walk."

Recently three members of Cedar Hill Toastmasters strolled the 5K "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk in Hartford
to raise funds to fight breast cancer. A fourth team member was a breast cancer survivor. From L-R, Lizzie Legs, Boncal Buster, Marathon Martha.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Meeting - October 15

The meeting can be summarized as - Cedar Hill rocks!!! We had one guest in attendance last night.The meeting began with the introduction from Paul, Sergeant in Arms. He shared his grandmother's gardening tips on how to preserve the pansy plants over the winter.

Martha served the role of a Toastmaster and moved the meeting along. The word of the day "abstruse" came from Paula and many  skillfully used the word in the course of the meeting. Eliot as the Joke Master entertained with some light humor. 

Lyn, who is the recent winner of the Table Topics contest for Area 24, was the speaker of the evening. She presented her speech "Koo Koo Kangaroo" as project 5 - Your Body Speaks from the Competent Communicator manual. Lyn's was very entertaining in her story about attending a concert of Koo Koo Kangaroo group. As she demonstrated some of the dance moves from the concert, she got almost everyone jumping and stomping along with her. 

Kevin provided an evaluation of Lyn's speech. 

Joel stepped into the role of a Table Topics Master. He challenged everyone with a topic relating to hosting a guest from a foreign country as he was describing his recent experience with the Australian guests from the Friendship Force International. 

Joyce was the General Evaluator. She introduced her evaluation team consisting of one technician, Paul who served as a Timer and Grammarian. Paul kept track of time and those filler words that we tend to use. Joyce concluded her evaluation by recognizing each meeting participant individually with a Toastmaster cookie highlighting their contribution to last night's meeting. 

Paula, VP Education took roles for the next meeting on November 5.

Also, she reminded everyone about the upcoming Division Speech Contest on Wednesday
October 21.Our club member Lyn will be representing Area 24 in the Table Topics category at this contest. Please come out on Wednesday to cheer for Lyn. Congratulations and good luck to Lyn on this round of competition! 

Respectfully submitted by 
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Winner

Lyn Wojik did us proud tonight. She won the Table Topics Area Contest held in Wallingford. She goes on to the Division contest to be held October 24 at Eversource. Come out and support her.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


. . .  and the winners are

Fall Speech Contest at Cedar Hill Toastmasters

Last night was the Fall speech competition at Cedar Hill Toastmasters. Although, the attendance was low, we still managed to conduct the club contest featuring the Table Topics and Humorous speech. 

Paul was the Contest Master and ensured that the contest rules were announced and he moved the contest along. Paula was the Chief Judge. 

We had three contestants in the Table Topics category - Kevin, Eliot and Lyn. Each of them was given 2 minutes +/- 30 seconds to answer a question " If you were given one wish that would make a big difference. What would that be?" Lyn emerged as a winner of the Table Topics competition. 

Humorous speech contest featured one contestant - Kevin who presented a speech, an imaginary tale of King Arthur intertwined with some humor. Kevin was unanimously declared as a winner of the humorous contest. 

Congratulations to all participants. Lyn and Kevin will represent Cedar Hill Toastmasters at the Area 24 speech competition on Monday, October 12. Good luck to Lyn and Kevin. 

Also, Area 23 Director was in attendance as he was conducting the club visit and he helped cover one of the contest roles. 

Respectfully submitted by
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters