Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 2 Meeting

This was our first meeting in the new Toastmasters year. Outstanding attendance! We were pleased to have three guests and three new and returning members.

Our Sergeant of Arms, Paul started the meeting with a reminder of the upcoming 4th of July holiday. Martha who was the Toastmaster added to the festive mood by wearing the red, blue and white and asking trivia questions about 4th of July historical facts and celebrations and rewarding the correct answer with a candy.

Lyn presented the word of the day "ineffable" and many members met the challenge of using the word in their speaking assignments. Larry entertained us with a joke.

John delivered the interpretive reading of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" and Joyce acted out the trials and tribulations of Jonathan Seagull, a perfect analogy to Toastmasters' efforts to become better speakers.
Paula presented a speech entitled  "Nurse of the Year", a project from the Special Occasion speeches series. In her speech, she was recognized a nurse for her professional achievements with an award.
Kevin delivered The Icebreaker speech "Mad as Hell" and we got to know Kevin even more and learn about his health struggles and passion for Toastmasters.

Eliot entertained us with the Table Topic questions about the summer activities.
The evaluators provided feedback to the speakers along with the words of encouragement. Paul evaluated John, Prend evaluated Paula and John evaluated Kevin.

Kevin was the General Evaluator, Mike performed the duties of Timer and Joyce was the Grammarian.

John, our new President, reminded the club officers of the upcoming TLI sessions (see below) and the club officers meeting on July 16. 
TLI events are open to all members. The upcoming training sessions are as follows. 
·      July 11 (TLI2) – Hamden County Day School, Hamden, CT
·      August 1 (TLI3) – New Hackensack Reformed Church, Wappinger Falls, NY
·      August 8 (TLI4) – Manchester Church of Christ, Manchester, CT

Our next meeting is on Thursday, July 16. Hope to see you all there.

Happy July 4th! Stay safe!

Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters 

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