Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mentor program enables Success !

M any individuals hesitate joining a club like Toastmasters because they have a fear of public speaking. Some resist because they feel very intimidated as being labeled  “the new kid on the block”.

As a long time member of the Cedar Hills Toastmasters club, I can assure you that both of these apprehensions are easily remedied.
At Cedar Hills Toastmasters, it is our belief that every member is important. In support of this belief, we offer a voluntary mentor program. This program matches a new or existing member of Toastmasters with a more experienced club member. The mentor will provide information about our Cedar Hills Toastmasters Club as well as the entire Toastmasters organization. You will have the opportunity to meet the individual mentors and decide who would be the best match to help you achieve your goals. You can change your mentor or even stop your mentoring program at any time. It’s all up to you. 
The important thing to remember is that at Cedar Hills Toastmasters, you are not an island!
A mentor is an experienced club member who will assist you in the preparation and execution of your speech projects. Mentors provide ideas on how to overcome the apprehension of standing in front of a group when delivering your message. They will also assist in finding speech topics you feel most confortable with and guide you through the many techniques that will make you a better public speaker.
If becoming a better speaker in on your ”bucket list”, I hope you consider attending one of our club meetings in the near future to see what we're all about.

You will be glad you did!

Paul Horvath
Cedar Hill Toastmasters Club

Sergeant at Arms

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Meeting Minutes - May 5

Paul, Sargent in Arms, welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded that May 5th is known as Cinco de Mayo. Eliot, who was the Toastmaster of the evening, provided some historical background for the Cinco de Mayo celebration. Elizabeth introduced the word of the day "acrimonious". Larry presented an entertaining joke. 

The speaking portion featured three speakers. Kevin gave a speech entitled "Three Strikes" from the Competent Communicator manual, project 5 - Your Body Speaks. Kevin spoke about baseball, a favorite American pastime and he enhanced his speech content with body movements. Joanna presented her Icebreaker speech from which we learned more about her favorite hobbies, running, painting and travelling. Paul delivered a speech entitled "The Toastmaster Educational Program and You" from the Successful Club Series. Paul not only informed us about the educational tracks and awards but also inspired everyone to always work toward a goal on the Toastmasters journey. 

Table Topics session was presented by Joyce in a very creative and innovative way. Joyce started with a fragment of a tale and instructed the participants to continue the tale in one minute increments. Although it was challenging, everyone seem to have fun with this activity. 

Kevin was the General Evaluator. Michelle, a Toastmaster guest, evaluated Kevin's speech, Larry evaluated Joanna's Icebreaker and John evaluated Paul's presentation. Paula was the Timer and Lyn was the Grammarian. 

Eliot gave an overview of the meeting, thanked all the participants for their contributions and complimented on the meeting timeliness. Paula, VP Education, took the meeting roles for the next meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 19.

John wrapped up the meeting with the reminder about the mentoring program at our club. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters