Friday, April 29, 2016

Meeting Minutes - April 21

Although it was a nice Spring evening and the weather was very pleasant, last night's meeting at Cedar Hill Toastmasters was well attended, and we even had two guests in attendance. 

Paul, Sargent in Arms, began the meeting announcing the press release published in Rare Reminder about Cedar Hill Toastmasters' Spring Club contest. Kevin was the Toastmaster of the evening. Anna presented a challenging Word - "thrasonical". Due to the absence of the assigned Joke Master, there was a competition between Larry and Paul to deliver a joke and we ended up with two jokes. 

The prepared speeches were presented by Paul and Kevin. Paul delivered an inspiring speech from the Leadership Excellence Series about Motivating People. Paul spoke very clearly about the main principles on motivating others, the principles that could be applied in any environment. Kevin's speech " You Want Me to Do What" was part of Project 3 "Get to the Point" from the Competent Communicator manual. Kevin spoke about engaging in Toastmasters by performing various roles, participating in district sponsored activities and challenges, e.g. Charged Up Toastmaster incentive. 

Marla was the Table Topic Master and challenged the volunteers from the audience with random questions on various general topics - morning routine, best movie/book, best gift, highlight of the week. 

Eliot was the General Evaluator assisted by the speech evaluators and technicians, Joyce as Grammarian (who delivered very thorough Grammarian report) and Martha as Timer. 

Larry evaluated Paul's speech providing feedback to the speaker and also gave the audience some helpful tips on project management and slide presentations. Anna was the evaluator of Kevin's speech by providing concise and valuable feedback. 

Eliot commented on the timing requirements for each section of the meeting and concluded that the club is doing a better job sticking to the time slots, but he mentioned that there was some room for improvement. 

Paula concluded the meeting by taking the roles for the next meeting scheduled for May 5. Also, she reminded about the upcoming District 53 Spring Conference in Windsor Locks on May 21.

Respectfully submitted, 

Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - April 7

Paul, as sergeant at arms, started the meeting by pointing out three members of Cedar Hill Toastmasters, Joyce, Elizabeth, and Martha had a group photo in the April issue of Toastmasters magazine.

Three guests were present.

As Toastmaster for the evening, John Calderbank pointed out that April 7 was "beer day."

The word of the day, aphorism, was given by Joyce. Several people gave examples of aphorisms during the evening.

Larry gave the joke for the day.

Marla gave her Ice Breaker speech telling of her fear of public speaking and how it influenced her psychology path in college.

Kevin practiced a speech he will be giving at the Area Speech contest.

Larry, doing Table Topics, had people pull words out of a bag and talk about that word, such as family, religion, and Spring. One of the guests participated.

Paula, as General Evaluator, called on Anna to evaluate Marla and Eliot to evaluate Kevin. Kevin also asked for general comments from members as to how he could improve his speech.

Anna gave a detailed grammarian report. Paul gave the timer's report.

After the meeting was adjourned, John reminded people of the Area Speech contest, Friday @ 6PM, 256 Church St, Middletown.

Larry presented certificates for the Speech Contest.
Tall Tales - Kevin, 1st place
International - Kevin, 1st place
                        - Paul, 2nd place
                        - Joyce, 3rd place

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Boncal