Cedar Hill Toastmasters rock! We had 21 people in attendance at this meeting, including several guests.
Our Sergeant at Arms, Paul, began the meeting with a short introduction and gave the floor to Larry, the Toastmaster of the evening. Since there was a considerable number of guests, Larry explained all the roles throughout the meeting. Mohamed gave the word of the day "cajole." Several speakers met the challenge by using the word. Joanna delivered not only one but three jokes and she got everyone laughing.
We had three speakers - Elizabeth, Joyce and Joel. Elizabeth gave a speech entitled "Family Ties" from the Entertaining Speaker manual as she spoke about her life situations, often funny but true, which helped her to strengthen the bond with her son. Next, Joyce delivered a speech from Communicating on Television manual. Her speech "To Toastmasters Clubs of America" was an invitation to use filming of Toastmasters meetings to help members improve their presentation skills. The final speech was Joel's travelogue of his latest trip to two notable tourists spots - Milan, Italy and Barcelona, Spain.
Eliot as a Table Topics Master announced a summer theme for the table topics session. The participants were given a subtopic and their challenge was to create a question within this subcategory and then answer it.
Lyn as General Evaluator led the Evaluation portion of the meeting. Martha evaluated Elizabeth's speech and John evaluated Joyce's speech. Ramon delivered the Timer's report and Kevin was the Grammarian.
Larry concluded the meeting by getting some feedback from the guests and then turned the meeting to John, our club President. John reminded about the mentoring program available to all the members. Also, he expressed his gratitude to the club for serving the role of Cedar Hill club President during this Toastmaster year.
Paula took the roles for the next meeting to be held on Thursday, July 7.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Cedar Hill Toastmasters is a community club located in Newington, CT. Our meetings take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at Middlewoods of Newington 2125 Main Street, Newington, CT. COVID-19 Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we will be meeting on Zoom until further notice. If you are interested in attending a meeting as a guest, please click the Contact Us item within the Main Menu tab on our website and we will email you the Zoom login information.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Friday, June 3, 2016
Meeting Minutes - June 2
Another great night at Cedar Hill filled with learning and laughter! There was one guest in attendance that evening.
The meeting was started by Paul, Sergeant at Arms, who commented on the weather and asked the audience for some gardening tips to grow the zebra grass.
Elizabeth served the role of Toastmaster of the evening. Throughout the evening, she shared the tips she had learned from the featured speakers at the recent Toastmaster District 53 Spring Conference.
Ramon presented the word of the day - "diction". Then, Paul, as a Joke Master entertained the audience with a couple of jokes.
The prepared speeches were presented by Mohamed and Martha. Mohamed gave the Icebreaker speech about his childhood adventures in Sudan and later moved on to talk about his career choices that had challenged his communication skills. Martha presented a roast speech from the Special Occasions Speeches manual, a roast of our club member Joyce, filled with some good natured humor.
Lyn led a creative and challenging Table Topic session. Each participant was tasked with creating a weather report to the undisclosed audience (only known to the Table Topic Master and the speaker). This task triggered a lot of laughs and the participants did their best to deliver an interesting weather forecast reports.
Eliot was the General Evaluator, who was assisted by Kevin as Grammarian, Larry as Timer and two speech evaluators. Joyce evaluated Mohamed's speech and John evaluated Martha's speech.
Elizabeth concluded with the thought from the Toastmaster conference about the importance of having a mentor in any undertaking and especially in Toastmasters. Next, John reinforced this thought by mentioning the mentoring program at the Cedar Hill Toastmasters.
With the upcoming new Toastmaster year, the idea of voting in on the slate of new officers was brought up to John's attention. He called on Secretary to read the proposed slate of new officers. Since there were no other nominations from the floor, the voting took place and as a result the nominated officers were unanimously voted in for the new year starting July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
Before concluding the meeting, John took roles for the next meeting scheduled for June 16.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
The meeting was started by Paul, Sergeant at Arms, who commented on the weather and asked the audience for some gardening tips to grow the zebra grass.
Elizabeth served the role of Toastmaster of the evening. Throughout the evening, she shared the tips she had learned from the featured speakers at the recent Toastmaster District 53 Spring Conference.
Ramon presented the word of the day - "diction". Then, Paul, as a Joke Master entertained the audience with a couple of jokes.
The prepared speeches were presented by Mohamed and Martha. Mohamed gave the Icebreaker speech about his childhood adventures in Sudan and later moved on to talk about his career choices that had challenged his communication skills. Martha presented a roast speech from the Special Occasions Speeches manual, a roast of our club member Joyce, filled with some good natured humor.
Lyn led a creative and challenging Table Topic session. Each participant was tasked with creating a weather report to the undisclosed audience (only known to the Table Topic Master and the speaker). This task triggered a lot of laughs and the participants did their best to deliver an interesting weather forecast reports.
Eliot was the General Evaluator, who was assisted by Kevin as Grammarian, Larry as Timer and two speech evaluators. Joyce evaluated Mohamed's speech and John evaluated Martha's speech.
Elizabeth concluded with the thought from the Toastmaster conference about the importance of having a mentor in any undertaking and especially in Toastmasters. Next, John reinforced this thought by mentioning the mentoring program at the Cedar Hill Toastmasters.
With the upcoming new Toastmaster year, the idea of voting in on the slate of new officers was brought up to John's attention. He called on Secretary to read the proposed slate of new officers. Since there were no other nominations from the floor, the voting took place and as a result the nominated officers were unanimously voted in for the new year starting July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
Before concluding the meeting, John took roles for the next meeting scheduled for June 16.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Meeting Minutes - May 19
Before the meeting begun, Joyce introduced some housekeeping items related to filming of our club'sToastmasters meeting. Paul, Sargent of Arms began the meeting with a moment of silence to honor those who lost their lives in the Egyptian plane crash. Paul served the role of Toastmaster of the evening and explained clearly the sections throughout the meeting since we had three honored guests in attendance.
The word of the day " gaucherie" was presented by Joyce. Eliot put his humorous hat on and delivered some entreating jokes. We had two speakers - Larry and Lyn. Larry delivered a speech "Trains" from the Entertaining Speaker series, revealing his passion for watching trains. He gave some insight on this hobby and provided additional entertainment with the use of visual aids. Lyn presented a speech entitled "Inspiring Sustainability" from CC manual, Project 8 - Using Visual Aids. She introduced the inspiring sustainability ideas such as composting, permaculture, roof top gardens and vertical gardening just to name a few.
Table Topic session was shared by Elizabeth and Mohamed. Their questions challenged the imagination of the participants. It's not everyday question on what you would do if you were invisible or had the super powers.
Martha was the General Evaluator. Kevin evaluated Larry's speech and Paul evaluated Lyn's speech. Joel delivered the Timer's report along with some helpful tips. John was the Grammarian who presented a thorough report and some helpful suggestions.
Before closing the meeting, Paul inspired members to look into the mentoring program available at the club. Then, John, our President took the roles for the next meeting scheduled for June 2.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Mentor program enables Success !
M any
individuals hesitate joining a club like Toastmasters because they have a fear
of public speaking. Some resist because
they feel very intimidated as being labeled
“the new kid on the block”.
As a long time member of the Cedar Hills Toastmasters club, I can assure
you that both of these apprehensions are easily remedied.
At Cedar Hills Toastmasters, it
is our belief that every member
is important. In support of this belief, we offer a voluntary mentor program.
This program matches a new or existing member of Toastmasters with a more
experienced club member. The mentor will provide information about our Cedar
Hills Toastmasters Club as well as the entire Toastmasters organization. You
will have the opportunity to meet the individual mentors and decide who would be
the best match to help you achieve your goals. You can change your mentor or even stop your mentoring program at any
time. It’s all up to you.
The important thing to remember is that at Cedar Hills
Toastmasters, you are not an
A mentor is an experienced club member who will assist you in the
preparation and execution of your speech projects. Mentors provide ideas on how
to overcome the apprehension of standing in front of a group when delivering
your message. They will also assist in finding speech topics you feel most
confortable with and guide you through the many techniques that will make you a
better public speaker.
becoming a better speaker in on your ”bucket list”, I hope you consider
attending one of our club meetings in the near future to see what we're all
You will
be glad you did!
Paul Horvath
Cedar Hill Toastmasters Club
Sergeant at Arms
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Meeting Minutes - May 5
Paul, Sargent in Arms, welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded that May 5th is known as Cinco de Mayo. Eliot, who was the Toastmaster of the evening, provided some historical background for the Cinco de Mayo celebration. Elizabeth introduced the word of the day "acrimonious". Larry presented an entertaining joke.
The speaking portion featured three speakers. Kevin gave a speech entitled "Three Strikes" from the Competent Communicator manual, project 5 - Your Body Speaks. Kevin spoke about baseball, a favorite American pastime and he enhanced his speech content with body movements. Joanna presented her Icebreaker speech from which we learned more about her favorite hobbies, running, painting and travelling. Paul delivered a speech entitled "The Toastmaster Educational Program and You" from the Successful Club Series. Paul not only informed us about the educational tracks and awards but also inspired everyone to always work toward a goal on the Toastmasters journey.
Table Topics session was presented by Joyce in a very creative and innovative way. Joyce started with a fragment of a tale and instructed the participants to continue the tale in one minute increments. Although it was challenging, everyone seem to have fun with this activity.
Kevin was the General Evaluator. Michelle, a Toastmaster guest, evaluated Kevin's speech, Larry evaluated Joanna's Icebreaker and John evaluated Paul's presentation. Paula was the Timer and Lyn was the Grammarian.
Eliot gave an overview of the meeting, thanked all the participants for their contributions and complimented on the meeting timeliness. Paula, VP Education, took the meeting roles for the next meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 19.
John wrapped up the meeting with the reminder about the mentoring program at our club.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Friday, April 29, 2016
Meeting Minutes - April 21
Although it was a nice Spring evening and the weather was very pleasant, last night's meeting at Cedar Hill Toastmasters was well attended, and we even had two guests in attendance.
Paul, Sargent in Arms, began the meeting announcing the press release published in Rare Reminder about Cedar Hill Toastmasters' Spring Club contest. Kevin was the Toastmaster of the evening. Anna presented a challenging Word - "thrasonical". Due to the absence of the assigned Joke Master, there was a competition between Larry and Paul to deliver a joke and we ended up with two jokes.
The prepared speeches were presented by Paul and Kevin. Paul delivered an inspiring speech from the Leadership Excellence Series about Motivating People. Paul spoke very clearly about the main principles on motivating others, the principles that could be applied in any environment. Kevin's speech " You Want Me to Do What" was part of Project 3 "Get to the Point" from the Competent Communicator manual. Kevin spoke about engaging in Toastmasters by performing various roles, participating in district sponsored activities and challenges, e.g. Charged Up Toastmaster incentive.
Marla was the Table Topic Master and challenged the volunteers from the audience with random questions on various general topics - morning routine, best movie/book, best gift, highlight of the week.
Eliot was the General Evaluator assisted by the speech evaluators and technicians, Joyce as Grammarian (who delivered very thorough Grammarian report) and Martha as Timer.
Larry evaluated Paul's speech providing feedback to the speaker and also gave the audience some helpful tips on project management and slide presentations. Anna was the evaluator of Kevin's speech by providing concise and valuable feedback.
Eliot commented on the timing requirements for each section of the meeting and concluded that the club is doing a better job sticking to the time slots, but he mentioned that there was some room for improvement.
Paula concluded the meeting by taking the roles for the next meeting scheduled for May 5. Also, she reminded about the upcoming District 53 Spring Conference in Windsor Locks on May 21.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Meeting Minutes - April 7
Paul, as sergeant at arms, started the meeting by pointing out three members of Cedar Hill Toastmasters, Joyce, Elizabeth, and Martha had a group photo in the April issue of Toastmasters magazine.
Three guests were present.
As Toastmaster for the evening, John Calderbank pointed out that April 7 was "beer day."
The word of the day, aphorism, was given by Joyce. Several people gave examples of aphorisms during the evening.
Larry gave the joke for the day.
Marla gave her Ice Breaker speech telling of her fear of public speaking and how it influenced her psychology path in college.
Kevin practiced a speech he will be giving at the Area Speech contest.
Larry, doing Table Topics, had people pull words out of a bag and talk about that word, such as family, religion, and Spring. One of the guests participated.
Paula, as General Evaluator, called on Anna to evaluate Marla and Eliot to evaluate Kevin. Kevin also asked for general comments from members as to how he could improve his speech.
Anna gave a detailed grammarian report. Paul gave the timer's report.
After the meeting was adjourned, John reminded people of the Area Speech contest, Friday @ 6PM, 256 Church St, Middletown.
Larry presented certificates for the Speech Contest.
Tall Tales - Kevin, 1st place
International - Kevin, 1st place
- Paul, 2nd place
- Joyce, 3rd place
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Boncal
Three guests were present.
As Toastmaster for the evening, John Calderbank pointed out that April 7 was "beer day."
The word of the day, aphorism, was given by Joyce. Several people gave examples of aphorisms during the evening.
Larry gave the joke for the day.
Marla gave her Ice Breaker speech telling of her fear of public speaking and how it influenced her psychology path in college.
Kevin practiced a speech he will be giving at the Area Speech contest.
Larry, doing Table Topics, had people pull words out of a bag and talk about that word, such as family, religion, and Spring. One of the guests participated.
Paula, as General Evaluator, called on Anna to evaluate Marla and Eliot to evaluate Kevin. Kevin also asked for general comments from members as to how he could improve his speech.
Anna gave a detailed grammarian report. Paul gave the timer's report.
After the meeting was adjourned, John reminded people of the Area Speech contest, Friday @ 6PM, 256 Church St, Middletown.
Larry presented certificates for the Speech Contest.
Tall Tales - Kevin, 1st place
International - Kevin, 1st place
- Paul, 2nd place
- Joyce, 3rd place
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Boncal
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Spring Speech Contest
This Thursday, March 17, Cedar Hill Toastmasters club held the Spring Speech contest. Participants competed in two categories - Tall Tales and International Speech. Tall Tale represents a highly improbable tale with a twisted plot. International speech, on the other hand, presents the universal topics that everyone can related to.
Larry was the Contest Master who led the contest seamlessly. There were two contestants in the Tall Tales category - Nikki with a speech "From Deep Within the Woods" and Kevin with his speech "Right?" They kept the audience entertained and on the edge of their seats.
Next, three contestants competed in the International Speech category with very inspiring messages, Joyce with her speech "We All Have Them", Paul with his speech "Change the World" and Kevin with his speech "I Was Robbed."
While the ballots were counted, Contest Master interviewed the contestants. This was an opportunity to learn more about the contestants and their interests. The Contest Master presented the certificates of participation to all the contestants, expressing thanks for taking part in the contest.
Finally, Paula, Chief Judge, announced the first, second and third place winners. Kevin won in both categories and he is advancing to Area level contest.
Congratulations to all the contestants! Good luck to Kevin on his next contest.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Meeting Minutes - March 3
Dear Fellow Toastmasters,
The meeting was well attended by the Cedar Hill Toastmasters, there were three guests in attendance and a guest speaker from another Toastmaster club. Great meeting, lots of laughs and learning.
John was the Toastmaster of the evening. Elizabeth presented the Word "ruminate", which was a hit of the evening and many incorporated this word in their speaking.
Mohammed was the Joke Master.
We had three prepared speeches that evening. Kevin spoke about the dreams and aspirations as part of Using Visual Aids project. Rick, the guest speaker, in his speech contemplated the subject of happiness and what holds us back from pursuing our dreams. Lastly, Paul volunteered his motivational speech about the benefits of completing the Competent Leadership manual.
In the Table Topics section, Anna challenged the participants with the creative and thoughtful topics on our dependence on the computer devices and social media on one hand and unplugging on the other.
Lyn was the General Evaluator assisted by the speech evaluators, timer and grammarian. Larry evaluated Kevin's speech, Paula evaluated Rick's speech and Kevin evaluated Paul's speech. Elizabeth presented the timer's report and explained the use of timing cards to the guests. Martha was the Grammarian.
John wrapped up the meeting and introduced Larry as the Contest Master for the upcoming Spring speech contest to be held on March 17. The contest will feature two categories, Tall Tales and International speech. Larry handed the contest forms to those who volunteered to participate in many different capacities, speakers, judges etc.
We will see you all on March 17 for the Cedar Hill Toastmasters Club contest.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
The meeting was well attended by the Cedar Hill Toastmasters, there were three guests in attendance and a guest speaker from another Toastmaster club. Great meeting, lots of laughs and learning.
John was the Toastmaster of the evening. Elizabeth presented the Word "ruminate", which was a hit of the evening and many incorporated this word in their speaking.
Mohammed was the Joke Master.
We had three prepared speeches that evening. Kevin spoke about the dreams and aspirations as part of Using Visual Aids project. Rick, the guest speaker, in his speech contemplated the subject of happiness and what holds us back from pursuing our dreams. Lastly, Paul volunteered his motivational speech about the benefits of completing the Competent Leadership manual.
In the Table Topics section, Anna challenged the participants with the creative and thoughtful topics on our dependence on the computer devices and social media on one hand and unplugging on the other.
Lyn was the General Evaluator assisted by the speech evaluators, timer and grammarian. Larry evaluated Kevin's speech, Paula evaluated Rick's speech and Kevin evaluated Paul's speech. Elizabeth presented the timer's report and explained the use of timing cards to the guests. Martha was the Grammarian.
John wrapped up the meeting and introduced Larry as the Contest Master for the upcoming Spring speech contest to be held on March 17. The contest will feature two categories, Tall Tales and International speech. Larry handed the contest forms to those who volunteered to participate in many different capacities, speakers, judges etc.
We will see you all on March 17 for the Cedar Hill Toastmasters Club contest.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Monday, February 22, 2016
Meeting Minutes - February 18
What a great meeting we had last night! It is important to mention the great attendance and the fact that two guests came to the meeting. The cold weather did not scare anyone away from participating in a fun and educational meeting at Cedar Hill Toastmasters.
Paul, Sergeant of Arms was also the Toastmaster of the evening. Lyn made everyone laugh with her trivia humor questions. Next, Paul introduced the word "frangible".
In the speaking portion of the meeting, two Icebreaker speeches were presented by the new members. First, Katie spoke about her life experiences and how they had helped her realize that she wanted to live a life of no regrets. Then, Nikki presented the evidence that humans have a tendency to assign meaning to events in life thus often creating negative events in their minds that actually never happen. In addition, Paula presented a speech on her High Performance Leadership project. We learned about Paula's efforts to help Cedar Hill Toastmasters earn the Distinguished club recognition during the time when she was the club President. Paula shared the experiences and challenges she had encountered while working on this goal.
Eliot put together the Table Topics questions by selecting a Toastmaster theme. The topics ranged in the level of difficulty, but all participants managed very well in their impromptu speaking roles.
Evaluators, Timer and Grammarian provided some helpful feedback to all speakers. Larry evaluated Katie's speech, John evaluated Nikki's speech and Anna evaluated Paula's speech. Kevin presented the Timer's report and Joyce provided a thorough Grammarian report. Martha, as a General Evaluator wrapped up the evaluation portion of the meeting.
John addressed a couple of club business topics. First, he announced that the Spring Speech contest at Cedar Hill will take place on March 17. The contestants will compete in two categories - Tale Tales and International speech. Next, John reminded of the mentor program offered by the club to all members.
Paula took roles for the next meeting, which will take place on March 3.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Friday, February 5, 2016
Meeting Minutes - February 4
The first meeting of February was well attended on the part of Cedar Hill Toastmasters members in addition to the three guests.
Paul provided the opening remarks welcoming everyone to the meeting.
John, serving as a Toastmaster of the evening, announced in the very beginning that it was the Appreciation Day at Cedar Hill Toastmasters. John encouraged everyone to participate in this celebration by paying a compliment to a fellow Toastmaster every time he/she took the stage. Eliot presented the Word - "jentacular" and many stood up to the challenge of using this word throughout the meeting. Larry brought some humor by introducing a joke.
Three speakers presented their prepared speeches. Lyn's speech was from project 7 of the Competent Communicator, Research Your Topic. Lyn presented a wealth of information about the Groundhog itself, the tradition behind celebrating the Groundhog Day and the associated activities, in a very interesting format.
Next, Anna shared her knowledge about mindfulness and meditation and also provided some tips on how to make it part of our daily routine in order to counteract the stress. This was project 3 from the Competent Communicator, Get to the Point.
Veronika presented her Icebreaker speech and she revealed her love for the adventure and travel to distant places, such as India. In her speech, she also highlighted her educational and career accomplishments.
During the Table Topic session, Marla presented questions to volunteers who wanted to practice the impromptu speaking. The theme was Valentine's Day. Amazingly, all guests were participating in Table Topics!
Prepared speeches were evaluated as follows: Martha evaluated Lyn, Kevin evaluated Anna and Elizabeth evaluated Veronika.
Larry tracked the Grammar and gave his report. Elizabeth was the Timer. Joyce provided the General Evaluation. Among her comments, she brought up the need for using the Toastmasters preferred way for announcing the speakers, including their name and speech titles.
Paula took the roles for the next meeting, which will be held on February 18.
John wrapped up the meeting thanking everyone for complimenting other fellow Toastmasters, for the words of appreciation expressed during the meeting.
Also, he addressed a couple of business items, such as a reminder about the mentorship program and the upcoming events:
Jan Jam - February 13, 12-4pm, Manchester Church of Christ
Cedar Hill Toastmasters Open House event - February 17, 6:30-8:00pm Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Paul provided the opening remarks welcoming everyone to the meeting.
John, serving as a Toastmaster of the evening, announced in the very beginning that it was the Appreciation Day at Cedar Hill Toastmasters. John encouraged everyone to participate in this celebration by paying a compliment to a fellow Toastmaster every time he/she took the stage. Eliot presented the Word - "jentacular" and many stood up to the challenge of using this word throughout the meeting. Larry brought some humor by introducing a joke.
Three speakers presented their prepared speeches. Lyn's speech was from project 7 of the Competent Communicator, Research Your Topic. Lyn presented a wealth of information about the Groundhog itself, the tradition behind celebrating the Groundhog Day and the associated activities, in a very interesting format.
Next, Anna shared her knowledge about mindfulness and meditation and also provided some tips on how to make it part of our daily routine in order to counteract the stress. This was project 3 from the Competent Communicator, Get to the Point.
Veronika presented her Icebreaker speech and she revealed her love for the adventure and travel to distant places, such as India. In her speech, she also highlighted her educational and career accomplishments.
During the Table Topic session, Marla presented questions to volunteers who wanted to practice the impromptu speaking. The theme was Valentine's Day. Amazingly, all guests were participating in Table Topics!
Prepared speeches were evaluated as follows: Martha evaluated Lyn, Kevin evaluated Anna and Elizabeth evaluated Veronika.
Larry tracked the Grammar and gave his report. Elizabeth was the Timer. Joyce provided the General Evaluation. Among her comments, she brought up the need for using the Toastmasters preferred way for announcing the speakers, including their name and speech titles.
Paula took the roles for the next meeting, which will be held on February 18.
John wrapped up the meeting thanking everyone for complimenting other fellow Toastmasters, for the words of appreciation expressed during the meeting.
Also, he addressed a couple of business items, such as a reminder about the mentorship program and the upcoming events:
Jan Jam - February 13, 12-4pm, Manchester Church of Christ
Cedar Hill Toastmasters Open House event - February 17, 6:30-8:00pm Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Friday, January 22, 2016
Meeting Minutes - January 21
Our club officers met prior to the regular meeting to discuss Cedar Hill Toastmasters open house event scheduled for February 17 at Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington. Joyce will be sending an email to the members with a blurb on how to advertise this event on the social media.
Larry was the Toastmaster of the evening making sure that the meeting ran smoothly. Anna brought some humor with the Joke of the Day. Then, Joyce presented the Word - "kvell". Members seem to like this word and they came up with ideas on how to use the word throughout the meeting.
We had three speakers last night. First, Joel shared his stories from the latest trip to Cuba and provided some helpful traveling tip. John, as a second speaker, presented an impromptu speech on accepting his role as a President of Cedar Hill Toastmasters. Finally, Elizabeth delivered a folk tale "The Ugly Duckling", a project from the Storytelling advanced manual.
Elizabeth was also the Table Topics Master. Table Topics participants were asked to select an item from the box full of items and tell everyone a story associated with this item. Among the items picked were - TV remote control, teddy bear, paint samples etc.
Kevin served as a General Evaluator. Eliot evaluated Joel's speech, Joyce evaluated John and Paul evaluated Elizabeth's speech. Veronika served a Timer for the first time and did a great job tracking time requirements for the speaking assignments. As a Grammarian, Anna provided members with some feedback and suggestions.
John addressed the club' s business on a couple of issues. Also, he reminded all members about the mentoring program available at our club. Then, Paul took the roles for the next meeting on February 4.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Larry was the Toastmaster of the evening making sure that the meeting ran smoothly. Anna brought some humor with the Joke of the Day. Then, Joyce presented the Word - "kvell". Members seem to like this word and they came up with ideas on how to use the word throughout the meeting.
We had three speakers last night. First, Joel shared his stories from the latest trip to Cuba and provided some helpful traveling tip. John, as a second speaker, presented an impromptu speech on accepting his role as a President of Cedar Hill Toastmasters. Finally, Elizabeth delivered a folk tale "The Ugly Duckling", a project from the Storytelling advanced manual.
Elizabeth was also the Table Topics Master. Table Topics participants were asked to select an item from the box full of items and tell everyone a story associated with this item. Among the items picked were - TV remote control, teddy bear, paint samples etc.
Kevin served as a General Evaluator. Eliot evaluated Joel's speech, Joyce evaluated John and Paul evaluated Elizabeth's speech. Veronika served a Timer for the first time and did a great job tracking time requirements for the speaking assignments. As a Grammarian, Anna provided members with some feedback and suggestions.
John addressed the club' s business on a couple of issues. Also, he reminded all members about the mentoring program available at our club. Then, Paul took the roles for the next meeting on February 4.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Help spread the word about our "drop-in" event
You can help make this event a success and increase the membership of Cedar Hill TM.
Email your friends and/or place on Facebook:
Have you ever wondered what Toastmasters is all about? Come to the Cedar Hill Toastmasters "drop-in" event to get your questions answered; pick up one of our magazines; enjoy some refreshments. Feb 17, 6:30-8:30 PM (come anytime between those times- stay a minute, stay an hour), Newington Library, 95 Cedar St, Newington, CT.
Joyce, VP PR
Email your friends and/or place on Facebook:
Have you ever wondered what Toastmasters is all about? Come to the Cedar Hill Toastmasters "drop-in" event to get your questions answered; pick up one of our magazines; enjoy some refreshments. Feb 17, 6:30-8:30 PM (come anytime between those times- stay a minute, stay an hour), Newington Library, 95 Cedar St, Newington, CT.
Joyce, VP PR
Friday, January 8, 2016
Meeting Minutes - January 7
It was the first meeting in the New Year for Cedar Hill Toastmasters. What a night - we had 5 guests in attendance!
Paul was the Toastmasters and he very diligently explained the meeting roles throughout the meeting to help the guests understand the flow.
Eliot presented the Joke of the Day. Elizabeth in her role as a Word Master, introduced the word "benevolence".
Larry presented a dramatics speech entitled "Alone With Self", a project from the Entertaining Speaker series. In a creative and dramatic manner, Larry showed us a progression a person undergoes a transition in their life from a "selfish" newborn requires care and nurturing to a mature individual who cares for others and contributes to the family and community.
Anna in her role as a Table Topic Master, brought a whole array of questions starting with reminiscing about Christmas and New Years celebrations and ending with topics on New Year's resolutions. All members participated in the Table Topics, including some guests. Kudos to the guests!
Joyce evaluated Larry's speech. Elizabeth presented the Timer's report. Kevin served as a Grammarian and reminded everyone of the common grammatical errors. He also noted that several members used the word of the day skillfully.
Paul wore many hats at the meeting - Toastmaster and General Evaluator. He also took the roles for the next meeting which will be held on January 21.
Have a great weekend!
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Paul was the Toastmasters and he very diligently explained the meeting roles throughout the meeting to help the guests understand the flow.
Eliot presented the Joke of the Day. Elizabeth in her role as a Word Master, introduced the word "benevolence".
Larry presented a dramatics speech entitled "Alone With Self", a project from the Entertaining Speaker series. In a creative and dramatic manner, Larry showed us a progression a person undergoes a transition in their life from a "selfish" newborn requires care and nurturing to a mature individual who cares for others and contributes to the family and community.
Anna in her role as a Table Topic Master, brought a whole array of questions starting with reminiscing about Christmas and New Years celebrations and ending with topics on New Year's resolutions. All members participated in the Table Topics, including some guests. Kudos to the guests!
Joyce evaluated Larry's speech. Elizabeth presented the Timer's report. Kevin served as a Grammarian and reminded everyone of the common grammatical errors. He also noted that several members used the word of the day skillfully.
Paul wore many hats at the meeting - Toastmaster and General Evaluator. He also took the roles for the next meeting which will be held on January 21.
Have a great weekend!
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Danielewicz
Cedar Hill Toastmasters
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Happy New Year from Cedar Hills Toastmasters !
Happy New Year
2015 is over
and we all look forward to 2016!
With the New
Year beginning, most of us spend time reflecting on the events from the past
year while, at the same time, make plans for the New Year. The majority of us
also make New Year’s resolutions, some that we will remain faithful to and
others that will fade away.
such as, joining a health club, spending more time with family, volunteering,
taking up a new hobby, going back to school or running a marathon for the first
time, just to name a few.
If one of
your resolutions involves becoming a better public speaker or leader, you
should consider attending one of our Toastmasters meetings. By attending our meeting, you will see
first-hand how you can develop your speaking and leadership skills in a
friendly, supportive environment. You will also have the opportunity to meet
with our club members.
If you
decide to join our club, you can progress at your own pace and can even request
a mentor who will assist you in achieving your own personal goals.
Our club is
here to help each individual member achieve their speaking and leadership
Why not plan
to attend a meeting soon.
You will be
glad that you did!
Paul Horvath
Cedar Hill Toastmasters Club
Sergeant at Arms
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